





苏叶5g,苏子5g,杏仁10g,前胡6g,半夏10g,细辛3g, 五味子3g,甜葶苈子3g,麻黄3g。




Discussing ECCO Return Principles

"ECCO return policy: Items must be unused and unworn to receive a refund."

When most people buy shoes, they want them to fit and be comfortable, so they have to try them on and walk around before buying them. More often, problems are discovered during use. Because people are tall, short, fat, and thin, and their feet bear the entire body's weight. Therefore, the shape of each person's feet is different, and you can only know whether it is suitable or not during use. According to ecco's return policy, "items must be unused and unworn before they can be returned." If a customer wears the shoes after purchasing them, they will be disqualified from returning them. The ECCO return principle protects the company's own interests as much as possible, but it greatly harms the rights of consumers and is an unequal regulation. When each consumer discovers that there is something wrong with the shoes, it is difficult for him or her to protect his or her own interests against a merchant with such a clause. When an individual consumer faces a merchant with such a clause and a large team of lawyers, that individual appears extremely small and powerless.


I want to return the ecco shoes but the store did not accept it.


Oct.09,2023, I bought the winter shoes at ECCO OUTLET Tanger Cookstown, 3311 Simcoe 89 Unit #A12, Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0.

Yesterday, Nov.09, it was freezing rain, I took the new shoes and put them on and walked outside for 10 minutes. My foot felt numb, painful. The shoe was limiting my ankle activity and make me painful on foot. When I try it on the outlet store, I did not find the problem because sitting and stand, just a few steps of walking.

Nov.10,2023, I went to the store, want to return but the store did not accept it. They said the shoes cannot be worn outside. The winter shoes are supposed to be outside. When I take a walk and find that my ankle is limited by the shoes and it makes me suffer. This pair of ecco shoes makes me feel sad and waste CAD260. The ecco shoes from outlet may be different from the regular store because I bought a lot ecco shoes in the regular mall is ok.


For hypertensive patients taking antihypertensive drugs, how to promote blood circulation in the lower limbs?




For hypertensive patients taking antihypertensive drugs, how to promote blood circulation in the lower limbs?

For patients with hypertension, many antihypertensive drugs usually dilate peripheral blood vessels to lower blood pressure. After peripheral blood vessels, especially small arteries, venules, and capillaries dilate, a large amount of blood and tissue fluid stasis stays in the intertissue organs, especially in the lower limbs.

Most patients with hypertension are treated with antihypertensive drugs, so how to improve the side effects of antihypertensive drugs? There is a Chinese proverb: "After eating, walk a hundred steps and live to be 99." When people walk, the muscles of the lower limbs contract, causing the blood vessels to contract. It can cause a large amount of  fluid in the tissues and blood in capillaries to flow back into the large blood vessels and back to the heart, which can promote blood circulation in the lower limbs.

How to improve kidney function and promote urine excretion?





How to improve kidney function and promote urine excretion?

When the human body becomes old and frail and body functions decline, kidney function will weaken.  There are also kidney diseases that can damage kidney function. So how to improve the function of the kidneys, promote urine excretion, and promote the excretion of body excretions from urine.

When you go for a B ultrasound to check your lower abdominal organs, such as gynecological ovaries, uterus or bladder, etc., in order to fill the bladder with urine as quickly as possible, technicians in the B ultrasound will ask you to drink more water and walk back and forth in the corridor quickly. And then by increasing the production of urine and filling the bladder can the B-ultrasound examination be completed quickly. Medical experiments have also proven that standing and walking can increase urine production and increase uric acid, urea and other secretions in urine.

Mr. Zhao Shaoqin, a tenured professor of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, successfully treated chronic kidney disease through traditional Chinese medicine to cool blood and remove blood stasis, a diet that avoids protein, and consistent exercise. Mr. Zhao Shaoqin proposed that by insisting on active self-functional exercises and regulating the activities of the body and limbs, the smooth flow of qi and blood in the organs can be fully exerted, so that the therapeutic effect of drugs can be fully exerted, the stasis in the blood can be cleared, and the elimination of blood toxins can be accelerated. Thereby promoting the repair of damaged kidneys. Walking for two hours every day will help restore the nitrogen excretion function of the kidneys.

For diabetics, how to control postprandial blood sugar?




For diabetics, how to control postprandial blood sugar?

For diabetic patients, how to prevent blood sugar from rising so quickly or so high after a meal is a major problem in the world.

Professor Lin Lan, chief researcher of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and the second Capital Famous  Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, proposed that walking for half an hour immediately after each meal can help lower post-meal blood sugar. Walking after a meal can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote digestion and absorption, promote blood circulation, and quickly transport nutrients and sugar absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract to the limbs and various parts of the body, thus delaying or reducing the rise in blood sugar after a meal. Her clinical experience and observations show that walking immediately after each meal is helpful and effective in controlling postprandial blood sugar.

The body's own gastrointestinal motility medicine - taking a walk immediately after a meal can easily resolve constipation.





The body's own gastrointestinal motility medicine - taking a walk immediately after a meal can easily resolve constipation.

The human mind can freely control the activities of the limbs, but it cannot control gastrointestinal motility. Nowadays, more and more people sit and work in front of the computer for long periods of time in the office or at home. Intense work and long periods of inactivity can cause constipation in some people. And long-term constipation can cause anal fissures or hemorrhoids. It brings many hidden dangers to the body and life.

Both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine have gastric motility drugs to promote gastrointestinal motility. So is there any way to solve this constipation problem without taking medicine? In fact, the human body has its own function to help defecation. What is it? The human body can promote gastrointestinal motility and defecation by walking for half an hour immediately after a meal. This is a consensus reached by doctors of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

In abdominal surgery, after a patient undergoes surgery, doctors often urge the patient to get up and walk around to help eliminate gas. After walking, gastrointestinal motility increases, which promotes gastrointestinal discharge gas. Right after meal is the active period of gastrointestinal function, and gastrointestinal peristalsis itself increases. If you add a half-hour walk to promote the increase in peristalsis, it will have a great impact on the digestion, absorption and defecation of the gastrointestinal tract. 

One patient of mine who works in the IT industry and has to work on the computer for long hours every day. He suffers from long-term constipation, which brings inconvenience and pain to his life. He told me that the suggestion is very helpful. In fact, He can solve constipation by taking a walk for 10 to 15 minutes after each meal.



















3,新冠疫苗和抗新冠病毒药paxlovid, 都是得到美国FDA紧急批准,而不是通过常规程序批准的,可能跳过一些步骤,引起一部分美国民众和医生的抵制,这是尊重科学的应有态度,也是对人类负责。这和国内有发言权的专家和官方发声一致不一样。




2023年1月,在国内的父母也感染新冠病毒,妈妈发烧几天以后稳定了,爸爸90岁,有糖尿病,反复发烧,还在抗争中。有个朋友说你也再去开一盒这个药寄回来吗?可能吗?健康网页各个药店都是相连的,输入我的名字,电话,家庭住址,我所有的信息都在上面,家庭医生和药剂师看得清清楚楚,不符合条件,没有病开不到药,有病也开不到第二盒药。 这里管理很好,没有漏洞。我也不想去钻洞。




老公感染后第三天,2023年1月2号我中招。covid-19 antigen rapid test (+). 轻微怕冷,发热38-39度,咽喉痛,服银翘解毒片8片,每日4次。因为符合条件,发病当天领取了一盒药。开始服用,发病第二天体温略微下降到38.5度左右。但是口很苦,有胃酸反流,咽喉灼痛。吃口香糖,吃水果,没有办法去掉口中的苦味。酸甜可口的柚子吞咽时,感到灼痛。咽喉连着俩耳根都痛,白腻苔脉眩,发烧没有力气想躺着,可是躺着会胃酸反流。口苦,咽喉痛的厉害,都想去看急诊,一想到到医院也没有什么其他的治疗就又放弃了。第三天仍38.5度左右,发烧觉得脑子都呆了,不会思考。后来想想这个药物,1,苦寒伤胃,2,这个药影响肝胆的疏泄。引起胆汁上逆,胆气上逆。引起口苦咽痛加重。所以,第四天,小柴胡汤丸+银翘解毒片,第五天,37.5-37.8上下,第六天,体温基本正常。

分享使用新冠抗病毒药Paxlovid 体会(一)


2022年12月30号,老公中招。他发烧39度,咽喉疼痛,covid-19 antigen rapid (+), 他自己包里备有银翘解毒片,首次12片,以后每次8片,第一日服三次。他上网查信息一看,说是加拿大政府免费支助60岁以上,免疫力低下的弱势人群的新冠病毒感染的抗病毒治疗5天。条件是上述人群,发病5天内,有阳性检测报告,无严重的肝肾功能损伤,无一些服药史,有健康卡,填表后,免费领取一盒药,5天治疗,(药剂师说认为发病5天之内服药有效,用药有效治疗是5天,所以,只提供五天药物)。拿回来一看,失效日期: 2023年3月,2种抗病毒药合用(Nirmatrelvir/ritonavir tablets, co-packaged)。有效期: 3月,2种药合用。我的反应,1,这个不是特效药,第一,如果特效药卖的非常快,不会剩下有效期三个月拿来赠送给老年人和免疫低下的人群。第二个是两种药物合用,本身证明了他的药物没有特效性。2,药物的副作用大,用了此类药,很多药物要停用,比如说抗高血压,降血脂,抗血小板凝集,等9大类。老公一开始不愿意用,我说还是服吧,新冠病毒不可预测的因素太多,我们不能冒这个险。所以,发病的第二天领到药开始服用。早一次,晚一次。发病第三天,体温降到38度多。但是口苦咽痛的更厉害。发病第三天晚上退热。Paxlovid 坚持服5天,口很苦。咽仍痛,继续用银翘解毒片,咽痛减轻。